The term "barbarian" is not derived from the name of any tribe or cultural group; there is no country called "barbar." The word comes from the Greek language, and was used to connote any foreigner not sharing a recognized culture or language with the speaker or writer employing the term. The word was probably formed by imitation of the incomprehensible sounds of a foreign language (“bar-bar”). Originally, it was not a derogatory term; it simply meant anything that was not Greek, including language, people or customs. Later, as the Greeks encountered more foreigners, some of whom learned Greek but spoke with a strange accent, the term took on the connotation of primitive and uncivilized. When the Greek civilization and culture was threatened by others (e.g. Persian or Gothic tribes) the connotation of violence was added. The Romans inherited this view from the Greeks, and in their encounters with different tribes across Europe usually called those tribes “barbarian.” However, being war- and conquest-oriented, the Romans admired barbarians as fearless and brave warriors.

BARBARIC WISDOM carries a message in human life with all its civilizations, because everything starts from cruelty that defeats goodness when humans think more than others. a simple concept from the basis of metal music combined with skill and inherent power about in musical idealism. not excessive BARBARIC WISDOM does not carry great expectations other than just wanting to convey ideas and how to reflect in a work of music. BARBARIC WISDOM come formed from Blitar city, East Java, Indonesia to bring black metal style with fast and intense powerfully beat. So much harsh contrast making things hard to look at, as well as the oddly-campy in-your-face-ness of the songs then it hit me. Maybe all this imagery is indicative of the material inside, as per black metal tradition. The music itself should be raw and abrasive, a full force of high-octane buzz noise fueled by spite. That line of thinking re-kindled some form of excitement for this listen. It was either going to be hyper Aggressive black metal, or hyper-aggressive noise music, and I was most likely going to like it either way. To say anything specific about any of the individual songs here would be reaching for topics, as you can let this album play in its entirety and be unable to distinguish one song from another. Vengeance War 'till Death is definitely not for the impatient metal listener, and it's not for people who value instrumentation and musicianship over imagery and aforementioned aesthetic.

If you're looking for melody, musical progression or accessibility then you'll be disappointed. More uses Barbaric-esque riffs with a greater emphasis on sounding evil and speeds it up a bit, a sense of chaos coming with that. It could be best explained as the exact mid-point between Barbaric and Revenge. The music is abrasive and requires an understanding of this style before one can really appreciate it. Many will write this off as obnoxious noise without realising that that is what you set out to acheive anyway. If this is your first foray into this style of music, I'd recommend you jump back a few years to hear something less extreme like the bands mentioned in the first paragraph, or even forward to Abominator's Barbarian War Worship which is essentially a more catchy version of this.